Who Was Hatshepsut?

Hatshepsut was a pharoah, who happened to be a woman. She ruled Egypt between 1508 BC until 1458 BC. Her reign is considered to be long, prosperous and peaceful for Egypt.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Where Was She Buried?

  Hatsheput was buried in the Valley of The Kings. If your wondering what that place is, well uhhh....how can I put this in words for you...it's pretty much were you bury a bunch of important dead people (Pharaohs). I think that's so weird! I probably would of been scared to death to walk around in that place at night time all alone! If your questioning and wondering who found all of these important pharaohs and most importantly Hatshepsut.  Well, I have an answer.--Howard Carter's his name! :) He's known for finding a lot of famous Pharaoh's, including Hatshepsut.  I think that's pretty cool! :)


  1. That's cool how they kept all the phaorohs to geather. Only they have a possibility of getting robbed. Also I once read a book that took place in the valley of kings.

  2. Is that in Deir EL-Bahri?

  3. Its sad how they robbed her of everything she did. Thutmose 3rd took her name off alot of things and put her father, her husband, or his name on it.
